Dayton Literary Peace Prize

2025 First Reader Response Form and Ranking Sheet Submissions

Instructions for Submitting First Reader Response Forms and Ranking Sheet

  1. Access the form below.
  1. Enter your first name, last name, and email address in the corresponding form response fields.
  1. Select which type of document you are submitting in the dropdown box. Please upload and submit only one document at a time. See details below for each document type. You may submit a Word document, PDF document, or JPG image of your completed form.
  • Response Form: First Readers must complete one response form for each assigned book. To submit a response form, select Response Form in the dropdown box and indicate the title and author of the book for which you are submitting a form. Please upload only one Response Form document for one book at a time.
  • Ranking Sheet: First Readers must complete one ranking sheet, which will include rankings for all assigned books. To submit the ranking sheet, select Ranking Sheet in the dropdown box.
  1. After you have completed the online submission form and uploaded your response form or ranking sheet document, click Submit (located at the bottom of the form).
  1. You will receive the following message after successfully submitting your document.
  • Thank you for submitting your first reader form! We appreciate your hard work and dedication.

Please continue to send in your forms as you complete each book.   

If you have any questions, please reach out to Emily Kretzer at [email protected].

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.